I help couples use two words to describe how their sexual desire goes up or down for them. This is often a game changer not only because of the words themselves, but also the understanding that there is an alternative to “I’m not desirable to my spouse” as an explanation for not having sex.
Five Ways Your Apology Might Not Be Working
What Deep Listening Means
So What Is Couples Therapy Like?
After some time of learning how to listen deeply to each other, you’ll wonder if both of you can walk out into the meadow yourselves. Then you’ll realize that the window [of possibility] isn’t a window- it’s a door. And you’ll be excited to walk out the door with your spouse or partner and then it’ll rain. . .
Why Can’t I Just Get Over This Affair?
Why Money Doesn’t Really Matter In Marital Fights
Why I'm An Interventional Couples Counselor
You're Not Crazy: Being Disconnected Really Can Hurt.
Be a Jerk To Save Your Marriage
Don’t be a jerk. However, some people are in a relationship where they’re so afraid of hurting their partner that they end up “stuffing their feelings.” Eventually, that dynamic of “stuffing feelings” can do two very damaging things: 1. Accumulate resentment ventually accumulate and “leak out” in the way you treat your partner. 2. Prevent your partner from having a chance to be in relationship with the “real you!”